Spring is here and time to get that lawn maintenance equipment out from storage. We depend on our equipment to save us time and to keep our yards looking tip top. Well power foam is another arrow in your quiver or another tool in your arsenal. All I know is that it works period.
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Do you have a two-stroke or four-stroke engine that starts hard or runs rough? The problem is likely carburetor deposits, and the solution is AMSOIL Power Foam®.
Power Foam improves engine performance by removing gum, varnish and carbon deposits that affect power, operation, idle and fuel economy. It cleans intake valves, intake manifolds and throttle plates to keep the combustion intake system running at peak efficiency. Effective in both two- and four-stroke gasoline engines, Power Foam helps reduce engine ping and keeps carburetors and injector systems operating like new.
- Cleans deposits from ethanol and degraded fuel
- Removes gum and varnish
- Maximizes horsepower
- Restores startability
- Helps improve fuel economy
- Reduces pollution
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