The environment is a hot topic in this day and age. AMSOIL has taken the steps forward to being a green company with recycling and energy conservation. Taking the steps needed to lighten their carbon footprint. I am proud to be associated with a company that keeps the environment in the for front.
I have had first hand experience with AMSOIL for years. It is the only oil I use in my Chevrolet Silverado with a Duramax Diesel, Honda Accord, Honda CRV, my beloved 32 Ford Roadster, Harley Davidson Street Glide, Polaris XPT, Toro zero turn, Honda snow blower, Yamaha Outboard, and Onan generator. Yeah I buy a lot of AMSOIL but they make it easy and I sleep well at night knowing I have great protection. Enjoy this article and remember Preferred Customers receive 25% off on all products and free shipping on all orders 100.00 or more. Shop now

AMSOIL synthetic lubricants not only deliver exceptional protection and performance for your vehicles, they provide remarkable environmental benefits compared to conventional oils.
Extended drain intervals: AMSOIL synthetic motor oils are formulated to resist chemical break down, guard against oil consumption and neutralize contaminants better than conventional oils, resulting in longer service life. AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil, for example, is guaranteed for 25,000 miles/700 hours of operation/one year, whichever comes first, in normal service. By safely extending oil-change intervals, Signature Series dramatically reduces waste oil. If every passenger car/light truck in America practiced extended drain intervals using Signature Series, up to 35.7 billion quarts of oil would be eliminated from the supply stream.
Reduced emissions: The air we breathe also benefits from AMSOIL synthetic lubricants. Conventional motor oils are more volatile than synthetics, meaning they boil off, or evaporate, more readily when exposed to extreme heat. When oil evaporates, it produces emissions that exit the tailpipe and enter the atmosphere, contributing to air pollution. AMSOIL synthetic motor oils offer better resistance to volatility, helping cut emissions and air pollution.
Maximum fuel economy: Unlike their conventional counterparts, AMSOIL synthetic motor oils are engineered with pure molecular structures that allow their molecules to slip more easily over one another, resulting in less restriction to moving engine parts. Less restriction reduces the amount of energy lost to friction, increasing fuel economy and benefiting the environment.
Going a Step Further
The commitment of AMSOIL to the environment extends beyond its products to its environmental management system, which is registered to the ISO 14001:2004 standard. AMSOIL closely monitors its environmental impact and has taken numerous steps toward improvement every year.
For example, AMSOIL obtains much of its packaging materials from responsible sources. Plastic containers are made of post-consumer resins, while cardboard boxes derive from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, whose benefits dramatically reduce waste (see chart). AMSOIL partners with SmartWay® carriers to ship product as efficiently as possible, producing emissions-reduction results equivalent to taking 166 cars off the roads annually.
AMSOIL also boasts a rigorous recycling program throughout its corporate facilities. Less than 10 percent of the waste AMSOIL generates ends up in a landfill. In fact, the entire 400,000 square foot AMSOIL Center in Superior, Wis., produces only one dumpster load of waste every six weeks.
AMSOIL has always recognized that doing what’s right for the environment not only makes ecological sense, it also improves business. It’s one of the company’s founding principles and will remain so well into the future.